3 Ways To Build Your Tribe By Sharing Your Authentic Message

Submitted by: Adela Rubio

Sometimes, as a conscious entrepreneur, you can spend SO much time on trying to figure out the essentials of your Authentic Message.

This exploration can sometimes feel a bit paradoxical: you need to dive into your message, as you re clarifying that message and whom it serves.

First, let me clarify what I mean by Authentic Message:

WHO you serve

WHAT BIG problem they struggle with

HOW you help them solve it

This adventure of your Authentic Message can feel overwhelming at times and be the source of tremendous confusion. There can be SO much fretting about your market and your message! You stumble over worksheets, try different coaches and programs and STILL this huge amorphously shaped thing stands in the way of you creating the change you want to see in the world. Don t let your Authentic Message become an insurmountable barrier to creating your abundant business.


I ve spent loads of time on engaging and exploring the answers to these questions myself. Sometimes it s filled me up with frustration, sometimes even rage. At times it has propelled me into a spiral of questioning my very value.

Here s what s possible: this very frustration in articulating your Authentic Message can be turned into a powerful process. You see, you can only change what you know, and you can only know what you name. There is something magical that occurs as you continuously share your Authentic Message:

I believe in the power and mystery of naming things.

Language has the capacity to transform our cells,

earrange our learned patterns of behavior and

edirect our thinking. I believe in naming what s

ight in front of us because that is often what is

most invisible I believe one person s declaration

sparks another and then another I believe freedom

egins with naming things. Humanity is preserved by it.

~Eve Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues

Here s what I discovered: exploring these questions intellectually isn t the shortest path to your Authentic Message. The best way to capture it is to dive into the message that YOU are passionate about and start SERVING more people NOW!

The subtext of this exploration is your WHY, and make no mistake your ability to champion this message will totally depend on your deep connection and commitment to this BIG problem. I did a program with Lance Secretan called Higher Ground Leadership, when I led a wellness community at Coachville. He used to call this BIG problem, a terra threat. Here s the question he asked us, What world threat do you feel strongly about creating a change?

So no more stumbling and bumbling around your Authentic Message. Get into action today. Here are 3 ways to build your Tribe by sharing your Authentic Message:

Write! As Eve Ensler mentions above naming things is an Act of Power. Writing is a bridge between your essence and your expression. You get to practice and test out your Authentic Message with every sentence you write. Every time you write about your Authentic Message and communicate with your Tribe you are bringing awareness and possibility to it. Write journal entries and share them on your blog, write articles and distribute them to article banks and through social media. Write alone, write in a group, and write in person. Write on your smart phone, write in your notebook. Write articles, poetry, prose, and haiku. Write!

Partner! Partner with others to access the collective field of quantum possibility. I like to think that when Jesus said, When one or more are gathered in my name, there am I he was speaking to this collective connection that we share. It is sacred and true. Nothing in nature exists in a vacuum. Everything is interrelated and interdependent. It might have been the Course in Miracles that said, Salvation is not a solo journey. We re not going ANYWHERE by ourselves. Everything and everyone is in connection. Partner in your writing, teleclasses, interviews, and books. Be a guest blogger on your colleagues site. Partner!

Lead! In the playground of your Authentic Message, chances are you ll be saying things that others may not agree with. I think that s a good sign, you re off the beaten path and exploring something new. Every change has been preceded by visionaries. Often you must lead where there is no path. If you can t find the community, mastermind, program or partnership you re looking for, create it! Your ability to lead your Authentic Message into being is what will create shifts not only for you, but for all that you serve. Lead!

Here s the thing You will NEVER be crystal clear about your Authentic Message until you take Massive Action right now where you are, with what you know. Your Authentic Message takes shape as you share it and BE it! Let s get this party started!

About the Author: Adela Rubio is a Joint Venture Strategist who helps coaches and creatives share their message and build their tribe using engaging listbuilding strategies. She is an expert at creating experiential online virtual events that position you to free your Unique Essence, share your Authentic Message and power boost your reach with Joint Ventures. Let Adela teach you how powerful partnerships can be. Download Adela’s free audio “Creating Powerful Partnerships” at





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